Earlier this year, the Turfgrass Growers Association were generously offered a courtesy stand space at the newly formed GroundsFest event. This is to be an annual event held at Stoneleigh to showcase all that’s good in the ground care world with both indoor and outdoor displays and activities to view, with machinery demos to watch and of course some turf on show to boot!

I must admit I was slightly apprehensive as to how it would go, however, I was pleasantly surprised at the interest generated on our stand, with many engaging discussions over the two days of the event, and without question, we raised the profile of the TGA to the many industry professionals that I spoke to.

Day one sadly fell victim to the wet and windy weather, however, it didn’t spoil anybody’s day and certainly didn’t affect the exceptional footfall through the door. Thankfully the weather abated later in the day and those who stayed on late were treated to an evening of networking over a few drinks, a bit to eat, and a performance by a brilliant tribute band, lending a real festival atmosphere to the event. Thankfully day two was greeted with better weather and equally high attendance.

I have to say I was overwhelmed to see so many professional turf growers and affiliates in attendance over the two days and as always it was great to catch up with many of our current members, and also to bring some prospective new members up to speed with what the TGA has bee doing, has to offer and plans for the future.

I must say a bi thank you to all the personnel on my neighbouring stand who looked after me over the two days with good company, plenty of turf talk, a supply of food and drink, and on occasion stood in for me so I could take the odd break. They know who they are and I’m truly grateful!

Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to Andy at the BGA for helping out with all of the organisation and planning for the event and ensuing everything was in place for me on my arrival.

All in all a very productive show and I look forward to visiting the event again in the future.

Richard Owens