10 tips for gardeners laying turf

Plan ahead to prevent the turf drying out. Don’t have more turf delivered in a day than you can lay.

Only buy turf from a TGA grower or one of its stockists. That way you’ll know the turf is fresh when you buy it. You can find your nearest stockist at www.turfgrass.co.uk.

Buy the right type of turf for the job in hand. Your TGA grower or stockist will have the knowledge to help you make the best choice.

When your turf is delivered, stack it in a shady place with the aim of laying all that is delivered during the course of one day.

Using water from a butt or recycled in an alternative way, prepare and wet the ground immediately before laying your turf. Consider incorporating a water-retaining soil conditioner to help keep the soil moist.

To conserve water, lay and water-in no more than 20% of the delivery at a time. This means the first turf you lay won’t have dried out by the time you reach the end

Give the turf a light rolling to ensure good contact with the soil underneath.

In the following days, only water in the early morning or early evening so the sun doesn’t burn off the water you’ve applied.

Hold back on the mowing. The blades of grass should be at least one inch in height.

As the lawn establishes over the first 28 days, water less and less frequently ensuring it doesn’t dry out and turn brown.